Convert just about anything with Suntsu’s Basic Unit Converters!

Basic Unit Converter Hero

Every engineer knows that a solid and precise converter, for even the simplest conversions, is necessary to ensure accuracy in the work they do. Even the slightest miscalculation can affect the results.

With the knowledge we have gained over many generations, we are now able to measure volume, weight, length, temperature, force, and power.

We want to provide engineers with the tools necessary to ensure accuracy in their calculations, and the confidence that they are correct!

Suntsu has created a one stop shop for all the necessary conversions you would need to convert between any units. Our length converter will convert everything you need from milliliters to cubic centimeters and US fluid ounces to British gallons. The weight converter will convert between metric tons, kilograms, grams, milligrams, micrograms, US tons, imperial tons, pounds, ounces, and stones. The length converter will convert between nanometers, micrometers, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, yards, feet, inches, microns, and up to the thousands of an inch. Our temperature converter will have Celsius, Kelvins, Fahrenheit, and Rankine units of measurement.

Although more unusual than the rest of the units of measurement, we can’t forget the units of force and units of power. Our force converter can account for Gram-Force, Metric Ton-Force, Short Ton-Force, Sthene, lbf, Ounce-Force, Dyne, Poundal, Long Ton-Force (UK), and N (J/M or kgm/s²). As far as basic unit converters go, our last one is one to help you convert dBm (decibels per milliwatt) to Watts. This dBm to Watts converter can be used for applications in radio, microwave, and fiber-optic communication networks due to its capabilities to express very large and very small values.

Basic Unit Converters

dBm to Watts







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