Sourcing Capabilities

Sourcing Capabilities

Suntsu Electronics’ sourcing capabilities can help you to get the parts and materials you need to create what’s next. Our global sourcing team makes it easy to locate hard-to-find and end-of-life (EOL) products and can also assist with Bill of Materials fulfillment and Turnkey Assembly to help you save time and money that would otherwise be spent on trying to find these parts yourself.

Our promise: Secure hard-to-find and EOL parts
using our skilled global sourcing team.

Our promise: Secure hard-to-find and EOL parts using our skilled global sourcing team.

Sourcing for Shortage, BOM Fulfillment, & Turnkey Assembly

1. Shortage Sourcing


Suntsu’s sourcing capabilities make it much more likely that you’ll be able to get the parts or components you need, even when they are scarce. Our global sourcing team has over 20 years of experience locating, testing, and authenticating some of the hardest to find parts, including end-of-life components.

2. Alternative/Crossed Parts

Alternative/Crossed Parts

Obsolete components can become impossible to procure because they’ve been out of production for so long or there are so few left that getting them is cost prohibitive. We have the resources to help you find alternatives in these situations.

Our sourcing experts can help find replacements that either match the original specifications or have slight differences to what you requested, but with the same performance or better. Just ask a Suntsu representative about your options for cross parts.

3. Bill of Materials (BOM) Fulfillment

Bill of Materials (BOM) Fulfillment

Checking all the boxes for your Bill of Materials is a necessity. However, getting all the parts and materials for a BOM may be a bigger challenge than you can take on yourself.

Suntsu’s sourcing capabilities make it much easier to fulfill your BOM. The process is easy: Give us your Bill of Materials and we will locate every part to ship directly to you. We put in the legwork so you can focus on the other tasks you need to take care of.

4. Turnkey Assembly

Turnkey Assembly

Along with helping you get the parts needed for your project, we can provide turnkey solutions to complete your project. We can handle anything from your Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) to an entire box build, helping you save time, money, and resources.

Suntsu Electronics Will Find What You Need

Our sourcing capabilities support you in multiple ways. You can rely on the team at Suntsu to help with locating hard-to-find or EOL components, identifying the best Alternative Parts, handling Bill of Materials fulfillment, or providing turnkey solutions.  

Reach out to one of our representatives today to see how our sourcing capabilities can make your project possible.   

Let’s Get Connected

Sourcing for Shortage, BOM Fulfillment, & Turnkey Assembly

1. Shortage Sourcing

Suntsu’s sourcing capabilities make it much more likely that you’ll be able to get the parts or components you need, even when they are scarce. Our global sourcing team has over 20 years of experience locating, testing, and authenticating some of the hardest to find parts, including end-of-life components.

2. Alternative/Crossed Parts

Obsolete components can become impossible to procure because they’ve been out of production for so long or there are so few left that getting them is cost prohibitive. We have the resources to help you find alternatives in these situations.

Our sourcing experts can help find replacements that either match the original specifications or have slight differences to what you requested, but with the same performance or better. Just ask a Suntsu representative about your options for cross parts.

3. Bill of Materials (BOM) Fulfillment

Checking all the boxes for your Bill of Materials is a necessity. However, getting all the parts and materials for a BOM may be a bigger challenge than you can take on yourself.

Suntsu’s sourcing capabilities make it much easier to fulfill your BOM. The process is easy: Give us your Bill of Materials and we will locate every part to ship directly to you. We put in the legwork so you can focus on the other tasks you need to take care of.

4. Turnkey Assembly

Along with helping you get the parts needed for your project, we can provide turnkey solutions to complete your project. We can handle anything from your Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) to an entire box build, helping you save time, money, and resources.

Suntsu Electronics Will Find What You Need

Our sourcing capabilities support you in multiple ways. You can rely on the team at Suntsu to help with locating hard-to-find or EOL components, identifying the best Alternative Parts, handling Bill of Materials fulfillment, or providing turnkey solutions.  

Reach out to one of our representatives today to see how our sourcing capabilities can make your project possible.   

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      Inventory Management

      Helping Tech Companies Create What’s Next!

      We help our customers build better products, save time, save money, and improve cash-flow/lead-times through inventory management programs.

      Suntsu Electronics is a centralized source for everything you need.
      Reach out to talk to a representative today about our programs to start saving time and save money.

      Suntsu Electronics is a centralized source for everything you need. Reach out to talk to a representative today about our programs to start saving time and save money.
