Conflict Minerals Policy
Nexsun is aware of the provisions relating to conflict minerals of the Dodd-Frank bill.
Although most materials incorporated in our products are available from a number of sources, tantalum material is available from a limited number of suppliers. Nexsun’s usage of tin is minimal. Nexsun works with its suppliers of tantalum and tin to insure no materials are sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo due to environmental, wildlife and humanitarian concerns.
The above is included in our comprehensive social accountability policy which supports the protection of international human rights and ensures we are not complicit in human rights abuses and further, follows the guidelines of the EICC, a comprehensive code of conduct that addresses all aspects of corporate responsibility.
Nexsun is fully committed to the global effort to exclude minerals sourced from any area which insurgents or similar groups may benefit from the sale of “conflict minerals”.
It is our goal to use only sources approved on the validated conflict-free smelter list and the provisions of the Frank-Dodd Law.