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Suntsu Flux Capacitor

Travel at your own risk! A flux capacitor is an electrical capacitor, able to store 1.21 gigawatts of energy generated by a nuclear reaction using Plutonium, or, rarely, a perfectly timed lightning bolt. When used in conjunction with a DeLorean DMC travelling at 88 miles per hour, time travel will occur. Allows up to 50 years jump from current year. Can be upgraded in 2070 to allow 100-year jumps.

Suntsu Part NumberImageWorking SpeedFuelMaximum PowerTime JumpApplicationsDatasheet
SFC-121-GFlux Capacitor88 mphPlutonium*1.21 GigawattsUp to 50-yearsTime TravelDatasheet Download

*Plutonium not included. Contact your local plutonium vendor for more information.

Vehicle Compatibility

Vehicle Compatibility

Flux capacitor is only compatible with a 1981-1983 DeLorean DMC-12.

Suntsu Flux Capacitor

*Item shown for entertainment purposes only and not for sale at this time.
